Hudson Valley Humanists
Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion.The Hudson Valley Humanists provides a supportive community for exchanging ideas, heightening our knowledge of the world and ourselves, fostering moral and ethical growth, and promoting the principles of secular humanism.
HVH is a member organization for individuals who share humanist values and who reside in the greater Hudson Valley region of New York. Our values include commitment to free inquiry, rational thought, life-long education, democracy, social concern, and fellowship. The HVH is a non-profit 501(c)(3) non-partisan educational organization. We have programs or speakers every month that are interesting, thought-provoking, entertaining, and educational. The HVH has many institutions of higher learning, is the state’s center of government, and is home to many community organizations. As a result, there is a rich pool of educators, scientists, politicians, lobbyists, authors, and leaders of non-profits and social justice organizations willing to speak to our group. HVH has also had speakers from national organizations like the Secular Coalition for America and the American Humanist Association. Our monthly programs are free and open to the public.
Monthly Diner Social
Join other humanists for friendly conversation
Every 1st Sunday, 2-4PM
Plaza Diner in New Paltz
Monthly Formal Meetings
Every 3rd Sunday 6–8pm
Engaging Speakers covering a range of topics including, Socialism, Humanism and Democracy, Personhood (for fetus’), What ancient DNA can tell us, Tribalism in American Society.
Join us at the New Paltz Community Center, 3 Veterans Drive, New Paltz, NY
Monthly Book Club
The Book Club reads a wide range of books, related to atheism and religion, that you must read if you belong to the secular community.
Our Mission & Vision
What Is Humanism
Humanism is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Affirming the dignity of each human being, it supports liberty and opportunity consonant with social and planetary responsibility. Free of theism and other supernatural beliefs, humanism derives the goals of life from human need and interest rather than from theological or ideological abstractions, and asserts that humanity must take responsibility for its own destiny. (AHA)
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Get Involved
Join Us At Any Event!
Monthly Diner Social
Join other humanists for friendly conversation
Every 1st Sunday, 2-4PM
Plaza Diner in New Paltz
Monthly Formal Meetings
Every 3rd Sunday 6–8pm
Engaging Speakers covering a range of topics including, Socialism, Humanism and Democracy, Personhood (for fetus’), What ancient DNA can tell us, Tribalism in American Society.
Join us at the New Paltz Community Center, 3 Veterans Drive, New Paltz, NY
Monthly Book Club
The Book Club reads a wide range of books, related to atheism and religion, that you must read if you belong to the secular community.